Other Stuff
Lift Product Guide

Issue 2 of the Lift and Electrical Product Guide, is now on-line. The entire guide, all 908 pages, is available for you to view 24/7.

PEW Electrical Distributors Limited (the ‘Organisation’) aims to provide defect free products to its customers on time and within budget.
The Organisation operates an Environmental Management System that has gained BS EN ISO 14001: 2004 certification, including aspects specific to the supply of specialist electrical materials for the lift industry.
Apply For a Credit Account

To apply for a Credit Account with PEW please download and complete the form.
Credit Application/a>How to Place Your Order

NVQ Lift Engineering Training

Our CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) activities are not just optional. They are essential in ensuring that we align our values and behaviour with the expectations and needs of not only our staff, suppliers and customers but also, the community at large.