Safeline Communications

Safeline is a Swedish lift accessory manufacturer. They focus on safety accessories and have a wide range of items to choose from for all of your needs.
Their 25 year experience is apparent in numerous installations across many countries.
Safeline GL6-FC 4G Volte GSM Gateway
The GL6 4G is the mobile alternative built for the future, making sure the system meets the technical demands of tomorrow with support for up to 4G VoLTE.
Safeline SLB-COP2 SL6 Voice Station
The original voice station for the SL6 with up to six assignable addresses.
Safeline SLB-RD-BL SL6 Pit or Top of car Station
The Pit or Top of car Station with a Alarm button
Safeline SL3B-SMD-PCIB SL6 Surface Voice Station
All-in-one voice surface station for the SL6
Safeline Comphone
Machine room handset.
Safeline HL2 Inductive Loop
A clear sounding hearing loop for mounting in car operating panel or car roof.
Safeline IFBOARD 4G
The IF-BOARD is a retrofit GSM board preparing you for the future for connections up to 4G VoLTE in existing Safeline Autodiallers.
Safeline SL6+4GVOLTE
SL6+4GVOLTE Autodialer is intended for mounting either in the machine room or shaft and comes with up to 4G VoLTE/GSM capability. It is possible to assign up to 6 voice stations.
Using bus system technology with only four cables for communication between the system’s units, cabling becomes very easy and efficient and in total accordance with EN81-28 and EN81-70.