100mm Square Braille Legend Plates

100mm Square Braille Legend Plates
Special Order Braille Legend Plates
A vast range of chicklets, button plates and landing plates are also available to order. Please contact our sales team with your requirements.
Order Code | Legend | Order Code | Legend |
BLP3/-2 | -2 | BLP3/09 | 9 |
BLP3/-1 | -1 | BLP3/10 | 10 |
BLP3/00 | 0 | BLP3/11 | 11 |
BLP3/LB | LB | BLP3/12 | 12 |
BLP3/BA | B | BLP3/13 | 13 |
BLP3/LG | LG | BLP3/14 | 14 |
BLP3/GR | G | BLP3/15 | 15 |
BLP3/ME | M | BLP3/DO | Doors Open |
BLP3/01 | 1 | BLP3/DC | Doors Closed |
BLP3/02 | 2 | BLP3/DN | Down |
BLP3/03 | 3 | BLP3/UP | Up |
BLP3/04 | 4 | BLP3/PH | Phone |
BLP3/05 | 5 | BLP3/AL | Alarm |
BLP3/06 | 6 | BLP3/FF | Fire Fighters Lift |
BLP3/07 | 7 | BLP3/WH | Wheelchair |
BLP3/08 | 8 | BLP3/ST | Stop |